Join ZombiCide 2.0

General Rules

  1. No offensive player names or "Survivor" as a name.
  2. Combat logging, stream sniping, and scamming are prohibited.
  3. Mic spamming, glitching for gain, and stealing from players are not allowed.
  4. DMing staff for help is prohibited. Use the ticket system for support.
  5. Your in-game name must match your Discord name for easy identification.
  6. Loot cycling or farming is not allowed and may result in a ban.
  7. Cheating, hacking, or exploiting is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
  8. Admin decisions are final for all compensation claims.
  9. Report bugs or glitches via the ticket system.
  10. Threatening or abusive language will result in an immediate ban.

Base Building Rules

  1. No building within 800m of a trader or 200m of police stations.
  2. No building within 1000m of military bases or 400m of military tents.
  3. Maximum base size: 3x3x2 (length x width x height).
  4. Only one territory per base, regardless of group size.
  5. Vanilla barrels are not permitted for storage; they are for vehicles only.

Server Information

Discord: Join our Discord

Server IP:

Game Port: 2402

Available on:
DZSA Launcher and Vanilla Launcher.

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